The nervous system is composed of the Central Nervous System, which runs the voluntary function or movements and the Autonomic Nervous System which runs the involuntary functions of the body, such as heart beat, digestion, etc. Each of these systems are further divided into Sensory and Motor Fibers.
The brain is the primary control for both branches of the nervous system. Sensory Fibers carry messages to the brain where they are processed, like a computer, and the brain in turn, tells the body what to do.
Research has proven that under sufficient stress, for any reason, the neurons in the brain centers, which are controlling the stressed organ or body part, essentially depolarize. This is like blowing a fuse on an electric circuit. The message gets to the brain but fails to return. The result is that the brain (computer) loses effective control over the afflicted organ or body part. This leaves the organ or body part running out of control.
Using tried and tested reflex points and muscle testing, the TBM practitioner can find the problem. the practitioner will then stimulate a specific area or areas of the spine in a specific manner in an attempt to stimulate the neurons in the brain to repolarize (fix the fuse) and allow the brain to regain control of the body and guide it back to health. Since a correctly functioning nervous system is a major requirement for health, it follow that. TBM can have a part to play in almost any problem and uncover and correct the roadblocks to recovery.